General Knowledge Quiz

General Knowledge Quiz 2021


Hi, we challenged you with the General knowledge Quiz 2021. We have prepared 7 types of general knowledge quizzes 2021. The challenges are different. If you have good knowledge, then you are worth trying it. Here are 7 types of quizzes:

  1. General Knowledge Base Quiz 2021
  2. General Knowledge Quiz 2021 about Earth
  3. General Knowledge Quiz 2021 About Politics part 1
  4. General Knowledge Quiz 2021 about World War I
  5. General Knowledge Quiz 2021 about Scientific Discoveries
  6. General Knowledge Quiz 2021 About Politics part 2
  7. General Knowledge Quiz 2021 about World War II

Apart from the quizzes above, we also prepared Football Quiz, Harry Porter Quiz and Quiz for Kids. You can try it after this.

Ok, let’s start the quiz and see what predicates you can come up with

Quiz 2021 about General Knowledge Base

You will get 10 basic questions, you will get the title of genius if 80% of your answers are correct. Let’s see if you are ordinary or a genius?

General Knowledge Quiz

General Knowledge Quiz 2021 about Earth

10 questions we have prepared, if you answer 80% correctly, then you will get the title as a good explorer. Let’s start.

General Knowledge Quiz about Earth

General Knowledge Quiz About Politics part 1

Do you have the talent to be a politician? let’s see skills through political quizzes, and get your degree. Is it normal or a politician.

Political Quiz #1

General Knowledge Quiz about World War I

World War I is long gone but left many stories and history. Let’s test how far you know World War I. If you answer 80% correctly then you get the title as a War Observer.

World War I Quiz

General Knowledge Quiz about Scientific Discoveries

Let’s recover your memory with middle and high school lessons. This quiz challenges you to match the discoveries of the great figures in science. You will get the title of genius if you answer correctly at least 80% of the 10 questions.

Scientific Discoveries Quiz

General Knowledge Quiz About Politics part 2

This is political quiz part 2, if you get good points in part 1, then you deserve to try this second political quiz.

Political Quiz #2

General Knowledge Quiz about World War II

World War II is very different from World War I. We will give you the title of “War Observer” if you can correctly answer at least 80% of the 10 questions in this Quiz. Let’s start.

World War II Quiz

General Knowledge Quiz Content

Base General Knowledge Quiz 2021
General Knowledge Quiz

This is a list of the content we used for the quiz above, mostly from wikipedia

Base General Knowledge Quiz 2021

  1. Number of days in August ?
  2. The number of keyboards on the laptop?
  3. One of the pioneers in the invention of television sets?
  4. what is the ideal number of adult teeth?
  5. Cats have 5 toes on each foot. Yes or No?
  6. How many chicken toes?
  7. The second son and youngest child of Lord Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock, the patriarch of House
  8. She is tomboyish, stubborn, passionate, independent, belittles traditional female pursuits, and is often mistaken for male (Game Of Throne)
  9. The third president of the United State?
  10. Bali Island has a very beautiful beach. Where is Bali?

General Knowledge Quiz 2021 on Politics

  1. The people have no power or representation and it is characterized by absolute or blind obedience to formal authority, as against individual freedom and related to the expectation of unquestioning
  2. A government controlled by a king or queen determined by a predisposed line of sovereignty. In other words, it can be seen as an undivided rule or absolute sovereignty by a single person
  3. A form of government in which the country is considered a “public matter”
  4. Democracy is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. Yes Or No ?
  5. A form of government that places power in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class
  6. Freedom of speech, or freedom of association ?
  7. Federalism is a political concept in which a group of members are bound together by covenant with a governing representative head. Yes or No ?
  8. Means of production are commonly owned, either by the people directly, through the commune.
  9. A social-economic system in which the means of production (machines, tools, factories, etc.) are under private ownership and their use is for profit.
  10. A social-economic system in which workers, democratically and socially own the means of production.
  11. A social-economic system in which widespread property ownership as fundamental right, the means of production are spread as widely as possible rather than being centralized under the control of the state
  12. Distributism fundamentally opposes socialism and capitalism. Yes or No ?
  13. Seeks to subordinate economic activity to human life as a whole, to our spiritual life, our intellectual life, our family life.
  14. A social-economic system that concentrates power in the state at the expense of individual freedom.
  15. A social-economic system in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life.
  16. Political concept in which a group of members are bound together by covenant with a governing representative head.
  17. Federalism is system of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between a central governing authority and constituent political units, variously called states, provinces or otherwise. Yes or No ?
  18. Communism is system based upon democratic principles and institutions in which the power to govern is shared between national and provincial/state governments. Yes or No ?
  19. All the land in a kingdom was the king’s. However, the king would give some of the land to the lords or nobles who fought for him.
  20. A social-economic system in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens

General Knowledge Quiz 2021 about World War I

  1. World War I was a global war that lasted from
  2. World War I : estimated 9 million combatant deaths and 13 million civilian deaths as a direct result of
  3. Triple Entente (July 1914) :
  4. Triple Alliance (July 1914) :
  5. The U.S. declared war on Germany on
  6. Germany signed an armistice on
  7. Karl I is Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary at
  8. Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, China, Indian Ocean, North and South Atlantic Ocean are world war I location. Yes or no ?
  9. World War 1 was won by
  10. Allied Powers : Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria (from 1915). Yes or No ?

Quiz 2021 about World War II

  1. World War II was a global war that lasted from
  2. World War II, directly involving more than 100 million personnel from more than 30 countries. Yes or Not ?
  3. World War II resulting in 100 million fatalities. Yes or no ?
  4. Commander and leader of allies
  5. Commander and leader of Axis from Nazi Germany
  6. Commander and leader of allies from United Kingdom
  7. Foundation of the Italian Republic in place of the Kingdom of Italy is the effect of World War II. Yes or No?
  8. World War II marked the end of the Nuclear Age. Yes or no?
  9. Military dead from allied
  10. Military dead from Axis
  11. Civilian dead from allied
  12. Civilian dead from Axis

Quiz 2021 about Scientific Discoveries

  1. Fractions were first studied by
  2. William Gilbert is an inventor
  3. Galileo Galilei is an inventor
  4. Sir Isaac Newton: discovers that white light is a spectrum of a mixture of distinct coloured rays. Yes or No ?
  5. Gaseous Hypothesis in Universal Natural History and Theory of Heaven
  6. Who discovers the electrochemical series and invents the battery?
  7. Theory of evolution by natural selection
  8. Theory of special relativity, explanation of Brownian motion, and photoelectric effect
  9. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers
  10. J.J. Thomson discovers

Quiz about Earth

  1. Earth’s surface consists of
  2. The Widest Continent on Earth is
  3. The most populous continent on earth is
  4. The smallest continent on earth is
  5. The most populous country is
  6. The smallest country on earth
  7. The longest river on Earth
  8. The oldest country on Earth
  9. The biggest ocean on earth?
  10. The highest mountain on earth?


Admin logic riddles still have a lot of challenging quizzes and puzzles, you deserve to try one of the quizzes and puzzles below. Source : Most of the content is processed from wikipedia.

Quiz suggested


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