This is the first session daily brain teasers program, Happy thinking. The answer is at the end of the page. Try not to see it before you think of the answer. This brain teaser program is brought to you by the hard riddles team
List of Daily Brain Teaser Questions
The first, David and Brianna are both champion archers. They decide to put a target 100 yards away and see who can hit the center first. They decide to alternate shots until someone hits the bull’s-eye. It is so far away, though, that they only hit the target half the time. If David shoots first, what are the odds of him winning the contest?
The second, A fog horn sounds regularly five times a minute. A neighboring fog horn blows regularly four times a minute. If they blow simultaneously, after how many seconds will they blow together again?
The third, The Cullinan Diamond is the largest diamond in the world. A group of twelve thieves stole it from the Queen of England. During the getaway, however, they dropped the diamond, and it broke into seven equal pieces. They took the seven pieces to a jeweler and asked him to divide them evenly, so each of the twelve thieves gets an equal amount. How did the jeweler divide the pieces?
The fourth, A ship is sitting in port and the crew hangs a rope ladder over the side so the people can get on and off the ship. If the tide rises one inch per hour, at the end of five hours how much of the ladder will be remaining above water, assuming that ten feet were above water when the tide began to rise?
Fifth, If today is Thursday, what is the day that follows the day that comes after the day that precedes the day before yesterday?
Sixth, A man went to an auction and bought a wolf, a goat, and a bag of grain. When he leaves the auction, he starts walking home. To get home, he must cross a river, but he’s only allowed to take one item across the bridge with him at a time. If he leaves the wolf with the goat, the wolf will eat the goat. If the goat is left alone with the grain, the goat will eat the grain. How can the man cross the river without any of his possessions being eaten?
Seventh, Alison owes Robert 4.00, Robert owes Christine 3.00, and Carol owes Alison 5.00 If Christine settles all the debts by giving money to both Alison and Robert, how much will she give Alison?

Brain Teaser Answers Session 1
- David has a two-thirds chance of successfully hitting the bull’s-eye before Brianna does.
- Sixty. If you convert everything to seconds, the first fog horn blows every twelve seconds and the second fog horn blows every fifteen seconds. Then find the lowest common denominator, which is sixty, and you arrive at the answer.
- The jeweler cut four of the pieces into three pieces each and then cut the three remaining pieces into four pieces each, and divided them accordingly.
- Ten feet. The ship will rise with the tide and so will the ladder, so it won’t affect the amount that is above water.
- Wednesday.
- Take the goat across and leave it on the other side. Then go back, get the wolf. Bring the wolf to the other side and take the goat back with you. Take the grain to the other side and leave it there, then go back and get the goat.
- 1.00. Christine is owed 3.00 by Robert, and she owes 5.00 to Alison. She needs a cash loss of 2.00 to settle all debts. Alison, on the other hand, is owed 5.00 by Christine and owes 4.00 to Robert. She must have a gain of 1.00. Since Christine settles all debts, this 1.00 must come from Christine, and this is the answer.
This is the first session daily brain teasers program, Happy thinking. The answer is at the end of the page. Try not to see it before you think of the answer. This brain teaser program is brought to you by the hard riddles team
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